I have never not enjoyed the last day of school, it is the celebration of the end of the school year, and the beginning of freedom. When the clock strikes 1:55, all of the tests, quizzes, projects, and homework are all gone, and you’ve never felt more alive just leaving all of it behind. On the bus ride or car ride home, you just think about sleeping in the next morning knowing you don’t have to listen to your alarm. I would look forward to all the sleepovers and late nights that I would have with my friends. When I would walk out of the school doors, the sun and its heat was always there to greet me as if it knew what day it was. Everything just seems brighter on the last day, the sun, the trees, even your face is brighter than ever.
The last day of school has always had a smell to it, the fresh scent of freedom wafting under your nose. All you can think about is all the fun you’ll have over summer break. I believe that every last day is special, I don’t know what it is, but whatever it is, it always makes the last day feel more special than the last.
I usually skip the last day only because I feel like there is no purpose, but back in elementary school, the last day was always fun and more enjoyable than it is now. In elementary school, I remember looking forward to the last day like it was something one in a million, that’s because it is one in a million. There is no day like it, no vacation or break could ever compare to this singular day in a school year. Out of all the days in a year, I would look forward to this one day like there was no tomorrow.
There are also many things that make this day special, is it the no school work or is it the sleepover. There is always something that I would do on the last day, rather playing video games, spending the day with friends, or just soaking it all in. The freedom, the joy of the moment, the excitement, and energy this day brings is like no other.
It surprises me how many good things one day can hold, the magnificent of it. There are so many ways to describe it, no words needed. The feeling and memory holds it all, I recognise a last when I see one, it stands out from all the 365 days and half like a sore thumb. Each one is a memory to hold, and each has its own special feeling.
But one day, there will be no “last day”, soon the one day of freedom will cease to exist, and all you can do is reminisce. Soon there won’t be the freedom to look forward to or the scent or feeling, just the weekend will bring you a hundredth of the true feeling of a day like no other. So cheers to the last day, and a bright teary smile for all the memories and feelings we’ve shared with it.