Yes, this Saturday, and again June 3rd, students around the nation will be sitting down for the SAT exam.
The SAT and the ACT are pencil and paper exams that are designed to test students on how much they have learned in high school. If you allow, certain college admission offices may use your results as a factor in considering you as an applicant. But why should an exam determine your future?
Though colleges do look at students’ GPA, some see the SAT as an indicator of the student’s eligibility for their college. The GPA calculation formula is different from school to school. Some schools might not offer honors or AP courses that other schools do. Variables such as this can be streamlined better for each individual college if they have their own formula. Also, many schools are deciding to go SAT-optional and even SAT-blind.
Also, final grades shown on transcripts can depend on the teacher, one math class can be easier at one school than another. The SAT is administered nationwide, so it claims to give a greater sense of how ready students are for college.
While this is true, the SAT is not a solution. You spend 4 years working hard on your GPA, but a 4 hour test determines your future?
This is a lot of pressure for 17-18-year-olds. Students could be a great overall student with a high GPA and participate in lots of extracurricular activities, but if they are poor test-takers, especially under stress, it could be detrimental to their future.
Your SAT scores can also be used to apply for scholarships. While this is a great opportunity for some students, others that spend just as much time and work on the test don’t have that opportunity.
According to ‘Make it CNBC’, “In a 2013 paper titled, “Race, Poverty and SAT Scores,” researchers Ezekiel J. Dixon-Roman from the University of Pennsylvania and John J. Mcardle from the University of Southern California found that wealthy students earn higher SAT scores compared to their low-income peers and that the difference in SAT scores between high- and low-income students was twice as large among black students compared to white students.”
There is lots of division among college admissions professionals, as well as high school teachers and administers, but what do the students have to say?
The Oakmonitor decided to ask a few Oakmont students for their thoughts on the SAT. Here were the responses:
“I am more than a number.” – Bella Rios
“I think that the SAT’s are too expensive and designed to stress students out so that they can make more money. When students fail they have to retake it; benefiting the college board.” – Maddie Davison
“It shouldn’t determine what school you get into.” – Megan Heffernan
“I think that the SAT is just another unnecessary test designed to make money.” – Allison Smith
“I think that it shouldn’t be such a big thing and that the chance you get into a good college shouldn’t rely on it so much. It should be your GPA that matters. One test doesn’t prove anything.” – Jake Harrington
“People should be more focused on actually trying to learn instead of memorizing stuff and studying for hours on this test.” – Ava Franciosi