Boy, if the trees could speak they would say how they love it when we are outside.
They would say the season of autumn reminds so many people of Halloween: carving pumpkins, dressing up, watching their favorite fall movie or show, etc. But, I would love it if someone would simply go outside. Go jump in the pile of leaves I created, and play with your pet outside on the ground I nurtured.
Take a drive, enjoy the scenery of my changing leaves, and go on a hike in my colorful tunnel. It does amazing things for you to simply go for a hike/walk in nature. It doesn’t have to be difficult, just fun. Look at the beautiful earth and what it has to give.
Take a deep breath of the cool crisp air I made for you as you walk on my crunchy leaves that fell. As you walk take your time to appreciate the world you live in, the world we share. I love seeing the people walk across my tricky roots, it’s like a little game to play. I love it when people stop to take pictures of my lively colors.
Take a bike ride down the mountains I live on top of. Ride down the bumpy natural path I created with my roots. If you fall, fall down on the soft dirt I care for daily to support your every step. I warn you though, if you try this sport don’t bike into me. I feel so bad if I cater to you getting hurt. I care for you so much!
Take a ride to the orchard and pick the apples that are given to you as a gift. Have the wind that tickles my branches blow your hair across your face ruining a perfect family photo. Step on my strong limbs to pick that perfectly perfect apple. Enjoy the apples!
Take a climb up my branches. Peak your head out of my pines or leaves and find yourself an amazing view. See what it is like to be a bird finding a little knot in the tree you perch in, build a nest, or for a human just sit and relax.
Winter is slowly crawling our way, with the snow that frosts the ground protecting the lovely earth beneath. So enjoy the outdoors now in this season, play outside without all your cold weather clothes, and enjoy the colors of falling leaves.