Congratulations to all the performers and crew who graced the stage with their courage and talent for this year’s interclass play festival. Thanks to the advisor of the event, Mrs. Tanya Leblanc.
The first play was performed by the freshmen with Nadalee Madhere winning best actor. It was called “Bad Auditions by Bad Actors.” It was a pre-written play but all the movements on stage and the way the lines were delivered were all directed by Chloe Kruse. This play was about a play director who had to hold auditions to fill the roles of Romeo and Juliet. She was accompanied by her assistant whose mind was occupied by the plans he had with his girlfriend after he helped with the auditions. After the two main characters were introduced the auditions started. One after another random people came in and “auditioned” but they were all terrible in a unique way. Nobody was up to the director’s standards and in no time there was nobody left to audition. While the director was freaking out about not having anybody cast, her assistant invited his girlfriend to come hang out with him in the theater. Suddenly, the director realized that she had already found the perfect match for the roles. Her assistant and his girlfriend had perfect chemistry for the part! Unfortunately, when they started reading the script they couldn’t help but break character and make up their own storyline with each other. The director ended up with sadly nobody to fill her role just like how she started.
The sophomores were next with their play “The Planet Next to Mars”. The actress that won best for their grade was Julia Feeley. It was written and directed by Lily Harris. It was about a group of humans who went on a mission to find extraterrestrial life on Jupiter. When they arrived, they were greeted by a group of fashionable aliens who claimed that the planet they lived on was called Zurainia. With both parties startled they tried to diffuse the meeting by introducing themselves. It was revealed that Eudoxia (one of the main aliens) was about to be the next ruler of the planet Zurainia. As the aliens and humans got more acquainted with each other it was introduced that the Aliens actually live 100s of years! This was all due to a peridot jewel worn by the ruler of Zurainia. There was only one problem, Eudoxia the next ruler didn’t choose her co-leader. All rulers must have a co-leader who puts the crown on during the coronation. Eudoxia introduced this problem to Jess who agreed to stay in Zurainia and become co-leader. When the crowning ceremony arrived everyone gathered but to their shock, the peridot jewel was gone! In a panicked rush, everyone went to look for it. Finally, the thief was revealed to be John, one of the humans! He wanted to bring the long living to the human race but if he took the crown with him all of the aliens would die in 3 minutes! As John put on the crown to make a statement he exploded into confetti and died leaving just 2 human astronauts left. There was a very tough decision to make for Jess, should she stay or go back to earth? She decided her time on earth wasn’t over quite yet but she promised to go back to Zurainia when she was ready. As for the aliens, Eudoxia finally got her wish and was allowed to rule all by herself!
Next up was the junior class who ended up winning with their performance and their best actor was Leia Voyer . They also won best overall actor going to Persephone Panageotes. Their play was written and directed by Kaden Aubin and it was titled “No Direction”. It starts off at a company called “Larry Lathers Hand Cream”, all of the workers are instructed to “mingle”. Eventually, all of the workers decide to quit and start a boy band because they think they would be more successful doing that than staying with their current jobs. Once they all quit they start making their first song but one of the members “Steven Stephon” quits! They don’t care and go back to creating their first hit, soon they all fall asleep and Steven Stephon breaks in and steals their song! As the days grow by he gets more and more popular from the stolen song but the cowerkers aren’t too sad about it. Using the person they kidnapped as their agent they made another song that became a hit! Now it was time for them to complete their dream and perform on a stage. Since they were only famous for a few days the best their “agent” could do was book them at a senior center. To their surprise “Steven Stephon” was also performing at the venue! After he performed the stolen song and “No Direction” performed they revealed to ll the world the “Steven” was actually a thief. He lost all of his fans and “No Direction decided that after their short-lived fame they would go back to the normal lives they had before.
Last up was the senior play directed by Korynn Gagne with their Best Actor award going to Westin Michaud. “Raft I Have Yet to Name” (Also Known As Jeremiah) was about a scientist kidnapping a group of high school kids and putting them on a raft. In doing so, he thought that if he kept them there long enough they would lose all humanity and end up killing each other and going “savage” (Basically like cabin fever in The Shining). He started his experiment by finding a high school and kidnapping the kids who happened to be his ex. Every day he made a log addressing what happened and if his hypothesis was right in any way. Days and days went on and no savage behavior happened although since they didn’t have much food left on the raft the kids had to catch and kill a shark. The scientists’ hypothesis was not working as he hoped but because everyone was on the raft together for such a long time they became close friends. As time went on they revealed their secrets and hopes and fears with each other. The raft was found by a police boat and all the kids were returned safely. Even though the hypothesis was never proven everyone left with very close friends.