Do we really need sleep? I think NOT. To be able to finish everything that needs to get done in a day, sleep is a waste of time. Do I really want to lie in bed, tired, from my long day? The answer is no. I’m going to become a superhuman and never sleep again.
Doctors say sleep helps you avoid getting sick. I don’t know if I believe that. How does sleeping even relate to being sick? Why rest? If you’re working hard, then your body surely is too. Sleeping will make your body rest and stop fighting disease.
People always talk about how they should lie down when stressed or in a mood. I disagree. You just have to get over yourself, be unstressed, and be happy. It’s not that hard, the rest of us do it, and you can too.
Brain fog is just the way your body tells you that you are maximizing your brain’s productivity. To have brain fog you need to be smart. So good job if you have a foggy brain. You are a hard worker that needs no sleep.
Being a brain-dead zombie is fun; having no cells left in your body is a major flex that needs to be talked more about. Wandering around empty-brained, living moment to moment, drowning the tiredness- which is fake- with caffeine.
There is so much that needs to be done at night so when would we even have time to sleep? When the darkness comes upon the sky and the moon shines bright, you turn into a werewolf. So, obviously, there is no time to sleep. The only purpose of nighttime is to scavenge fresh meat for the day.
School is one of the most important things IN THE WORLD. If you are smart you get into a good school, get a job, and make a lot of money. Sleep just gets in the way of all that, and ruins your opportunities for world domination.
That is why schools make you wake up at the crack of dawn, to get in the car or on the bus, and get to class, just to learn useless information you will forget. I have solved the case. Schools want to torture you by having you force yourself to keep your eyes open and ears on.
The schools want you to stay up all night studying and doing homework that all your teachers decided to give. Then because you stayed up all night, you get no sleep, have a foggy brain- which we all know means you’re the smartest- and do AMAZING on your test. It is the smartest system I have ever heard of. They really do set you up for success.