March 6th, 7th, and 8th a group of the Oakmont Student Council students went to Hyannis MA for the annual MASC state conference. All students, while lacking sleep, came back with smiles on their faces, many new ideas, and new friends.

During the conference, there were many workshops including one run by Mr. Dufour and another run by three Oakmont delegates Paige Humphrey, Ava Bjorkman, and myself, Gabby Romano. Mr. Dufour’s workshop, The Little Things, teaches delegates that in order to have huge major events to be successful, you need little things that make it easy for everyone in the school to participate. In the workshop, delegates were given a red, yellow, and green piece of paper, where they had to write something they wanted to stop, slow down, and start or go with on each color paper like a stop light. Candy was given out to delegates who could fit their body through a piece of paper by only cutting it. The second workshop, Who’s on AUX, had delegates working creatively with people from different councils to create a diverse playlist. Groups would have to pick 20 songs, the catch being all songs had to be from different genres. This workshop symbolized the diversity in the student council and the creativity and teamwork that is within every council.
Other than workshops, there were two keynote speakers during the three-day conference. Heather Schultz and Monti Washington spoke about self-love in different ways. Heather Schultz talked about finding yourself through learning and stressed to all delegates that failing is okay. Monti Washington spoke about how our stories and our past don’t define us. He ended up speaking for about thirty minutes over his given time but had all of the delegates captivated the entire time.
Oakmont also came home with a few awards. With the submission of the unified pep rally this year, Oakmont won the top 10 project award which is only given to ten schools out of the whole state. Oakmont was also awarded with the Gold Council of Excellence, earning 50 out of 50 possible points for events and participation throughout the year. Callie Robertson, Ava Bjorkman, and Travis Rusak were awarded the Common Wealth Award for all of their amazing work on the council. Paige Humphrey was awarded the Unsung Hero Award which is only given out to one member from each region, only 4 in the state. This year was very successful for Oakmont’s Student Council, but also for Oakmont as a whole.