Like most people, I agree that homework is the absolute worst part of school. It’s like getting through a shark attack and getting to land, only to find out that the shark has legs and can breathe air. Despite an almost universal disdain for homework, it’s still around and has no sign of ever going away. Homework can make the best and most entertaining classes an annoyance, which pulls down everyone’s enthusiasm because the students aren’t going to be happy, and will give the teacher a hard time, causing the teacher to be angry. Not to mention, if you don’t understand the topic you can’t ask a question or get help, which then assures that your grade will go down. Some people can do well, but others just aren’t as lucky and take longer to understand a topic.
You can email the teacher, but who knows when they’ll reply? Many of us also have jobs or sports that we have to do after school and don’t finish until late at night. The sorrow of getting done from doing a lot of work only to remember that you have homework to do is one of the worst experiences of high school. Now homework is almost universally hated by all, except by those who give it. And what do we get when we voice our opinions or hatred of homework, nothing but ridicule and judgments from the teacher? We hear those judgy comments like:
“If you think this is bad wait till you get to college.”
“Come on guys!”
“Why didn’t you prioritize this?”
“This is not what was expected of you.”
“Why didn’t you ask if you didn’t understand it?”
“It was just a few questions.”
Some teachers also make homework a sizable portion of your grade so if you do badly on them, it consistently takes your grade down. Homework is born from malice and anger too. It was created by a teacher in Venice, Italy, named Roberto Nevilis to punish students who didn’t understand the lesson during class. That’s right! It was created not to help, but to punish students for no good reason other than they didn’t get the lesson. Homework was literally created to make students’ lives more difficult, which makes it infuriating when they try so hard to act like it is no big deal or that it’s helping us.
The other common complaint among students is that “We’re in class for an hour or more and they still can’t get the point across.” Sorry, but we don’t want to spend an hour of OUR time doing the work teachers gave us after we already spent 6 hours in school. It can be very mentally exhausting having to do homework especially if it’s long and complicated. It’s a good rule to generally keep work and home separate, but you can’t do that with homework, you’re stressed out in the place where you should be able to unwind. So, you wonder why we hate homework, simple it sucks.