Sleep is something that many people enjoy. It’s the best way to recharge and reboot for the day. Nothing can mess up your sleep schedule besides a hectic week or none other than daylight savings. It is an enemy to most sleep lovers. On the second Sunday of March, the clocks will go ahead an hour. On the first Sunday of November, the clocks will go back an hour. A way to think of this is in the spring the clocks spring forward and in the fall the clocks fall back. This was done for agricultural purposes but now, many believe that there is no use for this system. I for one enjoy when the clocks fall back because I feel well rested and energized for the first week. Then I go back to my normal routine of feeling tired. When the clocks spring forward, I don’t appreciate it very much. Let’s see how students at Oakmont feel after this weekend vs how they felt in March.
I asked students in Mr. Nevard’s B block how they felt after daylight savings ended vs how they felt in the spring when it started. Almost all of the students said that they felt like they had more energy and they woke up earlier than they usually do. People who said that they enjoyed this weekend also had mixed feelings about it because they didn’t like how early the sun had set. About 3 percent of the students said that they had no clue that it was daylight savings and that it didn’t affect them at all. A small handful of students said that they preferred when the clocks sprang forward because their days were longer and they had more time to do the things that they wanted to do. Many of these students were very set on which they liked more but one thing that all these people agreed on was that they value their sleep and will do anything to keep their sleep schedule the same. It is very important to stay consistent because then people develop insomnia or other health issues. Bad sleep can even affect students’ grades in school. So when daylight savings comes around in March, make sure you plan your sleep accordingly and get enough rest. It’s going to be a short five months so enjoy it while you can.