When it comes to winter, people tend to think about Christmas and snow, but do you know about the beautiful flowers that bloom during the winter season?
Most flowers tend to shrivel up and die in winter, but some can bloom. Gardendesign.com mentions several gorgeous flowers that bloom when the weather gets colder.
ENGLISH PRIMROSE: The English Primrose has white and purple petals with a yellow middle. It blooms in late winter and early spring.
WINTER JASMINE: The Winter Jasmine is a shrub-like yellow flower that is around 4 feet wide and 15 feet tall. These flowers bloom during the late winter.
HELLEBORE: The Hellebore flower is light purple on the inside, dark red on the outside, and has yellow pistils in the middle. This flower blooms mid to late winter.
WINTER ACONITE: The Winter Aconite is a bulb-like flower with yellow petals and green and yellow pistils. They bloom and late winter and early spring.
CAMELLIA: The Camella is a shrub that is a shade of hot pink and has a pastel yellow center. This shrub blooms mid to late winter and sometimes during spring.
CROCUS: The Crocus has dark purple petals that gradually get lighter towards the center of the flower and have a yellow center. This flower blooms in the late winter to the early spring.
JAPANESE PIERIS: The Japanese Pieris is a shrub with white and hot pink petals. These types of flowers bloom in the late winter and early spring.
RETICULATED: The Reticulated is a bulb flower that has violet petals with a yellow center. This flower tends to bloom in March.
WINTER HEATH: The Winter Heath is a shrub that has clumps of flowers on it. This shrub’s flowers are dark purple, pink, and white. This shrub blooms in January through March.
SNOWDROPS: Snowdrops are a bulb-like flower that has little white petals. This flower may look like it has died, but it’s just the way it sits in place. This bulb-like flower blooms from late January to March.
WITCH HAZEL: The Witch Hazel is a shrub with spider-like flowers on it. The shriveled-up petals give the flower its “spider look”. This shrub is red at the center but the petals fade from orange to yellow. This shrub grows from January to March.
GLORY OF THE SNOW: The Glory of the Snow is another type of bulb flower that has blue petals that fade to white towards the center. In the center, there are yellow and white pistils. The Glory of the Snow grows from February to March.
HARDY CYCLAMEN: The Hardy Cyclamen is a bulb-like flower that has pink and white petals. This flower blooms from January to March.
PANSY: The Pansy flower is a blue or purple flower with a white center that has yellow pistils. This flower tends to grow in the warmer times during fall, winter, and early spring.
ORNAMENTAL KALE & CABBAGE: The Ornamental & Cabbage flower has green leaves on the outside and turns pink towards the middle. This flower usually blooms in the fall to early winter.
VIOLA: The Viola is a purple flower with a white center. They also can have yellow pistils. This flower blooms in fall, winter, and spring.
This winter season, make sure to look outside and find these beautiful flowers in an otherwise cold and dead season.