Usually in life, there are two types of people: introverts and extroverts. We are going to be focusing on introverts. Before we get started, not all introverts have the same personality or qualities. Some of the qualities mentioned talk about describe some introverts, but not all of them.
One of the most common qualities some introverts have is that they can be quiet and unassertive. Quiet doesn’t mean that they are shy and antisocial. It just means that they like to share their thoughts with friends or other people they are comfortable with. Sometimes, introverts don’t want to disagree with other people to get their point across, so typically they keep their opinions to themselves.
But, it doesn’t have to be reserved to them not wanting to disagree with other people to get their point across, it can also be that they don’t know if they have the right answer and don’t want to be wrong. Imagine the teacher randomly calls on you in class to answer a question, but you don’t know the answer so you end up not saying anything. Now you may feel uncomfortable, knowing everyone is waiting for you to answer to move on.
According to Introvert Dear, “Introverts enjoy many of the same things as extroverts, pursue many of the same hobbies, and love being around their friends. But, indeed, introverts sometimes feel things that extroverts don’t. And one of them — alone time — is the key to what it feels like to be an introvert.”
However, this research doesn’t describe all introverts, some of them are very vocal and social with other people. For example, most public figures are introverts. Meaning they have to make speeches and sway large crowds of people. Talkative introverts like to share their thoughts with groups of people every once in a while. According to 16 personalities, “In fact, sometimes Introverts are the chattiest people in the room. For example, lest we forget, all kinds of entertainers and public figures are introverts. If these people plan to sway large numbers of people as a celebrity or a politician must to succeed, they can’t do it by just standing there and looking pretty.”
Ellie Hallery, a freshmen, who consider herself an introvert says, “When I’m in front of people and I have to talk to people I am an introvert. But if I am performing or talking to people I know then I am an extrovert.”

(Two introverts having a conversation)
Another quality that some introverted people have is that they can be friendly people. Being an introvert doesn’t mean that you are not friendly. In fact, being an introvert has nothing to do with you being friendly. Some introverted people can have big groups of friends while others have small groups of friends. It all depends on the person. According to 16 personalities, “43% of introverts and 38% of extroverts report having 3–4 people in their primary friend group.”
A calming personality can always help you out in any situation. This means that some introverts tend to use very little of their energy. For example, they might not break into a song or make a joke in front of the class which uses lots of energy. Although some might, depending on the type of person they are. This calmness comes from having low energy, which can mean that you are either tired or just calm. According to Introvert Up Think, “If we’re talking about high-energy/low-energy as a mode of being, a style of self-management and self-presentation, then introverts do tend to have a calmer, less dramatic baseline personality than extroverts.”
Leadership is something that almost all people aspire to do. It is also something anyone can aspire to, even introverted people. Introverts make good leaders because they can be good listeners and very hard workers. They also take some time to process their thoughts and responses. Plus, some introverted people are very vocal when it comes to sharing their thoughts. According to Professional and Executive Development, “But, the best leaders are introverts who possess a quiet power. Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jordan, Warren Buffett, and Ruth Bader Ginsberg are just a few examples.”
Some introverts may also be self-aware. Meaning they can sometimes be deep in their own thoughts or daydreaming about something. They can also spend some of their time examining themselves, which makes them better understand themselves more and more. Introverts can also pick hobbies that they like and enjoy because they have tried some before. Some introverted people like learning things about other people as well. According to Very Well Mind, “Introverts tend to enjoy thinking about and examining things in their minds.” Now that we’ve talked about some of the qualities of introverts.
One type of introvert that some people are is a social introvert. This means that they find pleasure in both alone time and with close family and friends. This doesn’t mean that they are shy. They don’t feel anxious about socializing with people or going out of their comfort zone.
Freshman, Alanna Suarez says, “I can talk to groups of people depending on the group I am with.”
This information can also be backed up by data. According to Mattew Pollard, “People who fall into this category are a unique type that finds pleasure in both alone time or streamlined social interactions with close friends or family. They don’t feel anxious about socializing, and they don’t often feel awkward or shy around people.”
Have you ever thought about stuff for long periods? The answer for thinking introverts is an overwhelming yes. Introverts in this category spend some of their time diving into materials that will have them thinking, and that they can use when it comes to conversations. According to MindBodyGreen, “The thinking introvert is very cognitive by nature. Often intellectual, this type of introvert is often at peace when studying, reading, learning, researching, and investigating,”
The next type of introvert is a bit different from a social introvert-anxious introvert. These types of introverts are often quiet and tend to shy away from activities that would make them even more anxious. Anxious introverts can even spend time in places that they feel comfortable in like home. According to MindBodyGreen, “The anxious introvert is often quiet and may appear on edge or nervous. This type of introvert shrinks away from people and settings that may further stimulate anxiety.”
The last type of introvert is a restrained introvert. A restrained introvert is someone who has their guard up if they don’t know someone, and they can be very reserved. Usually, people think that restrained introverts come off as shy, but they actually come off as thoughtful and grounded. According to veywellmind, “They are more alert to potential threats and reserved around others.”
Introverts’ brains can be very complex. Some of them need time to process their thoughts or their response. But for other introverts, it can be different. Some introverts know exactly what they are doing when they are in front of other groups or their friends for example. In the end, an introvert can mean different things to different individuals.