When winter comes, be ready to see moody, crabby, tired, and even mean people. Winter depression is no fun. If you are hit with the winter depression be ready to not want to get out of bed, lose energy faster than normal, feeling hopeless, maybe even see some weight gain, or anxiety going through the roof.
Why Does This Depression Hit Alot of People in The Winter?
According to HopkinsMedicine, “Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression. It happens during certain seasons of the year, most commonly fall or winter. It is thought that shorter days and less daylight may set off a chemical change in the brain leading to symptoms of depression.” So, with the winter being dark, cold, and gloomy, you might be feeling a little down. Your body needs that vitamin D to stay energized longer and stay in a good mood all day.
How Can You Manage This Depression?
There are only a few things that could help but not cure your seasonal affective disorder. First, exposure to sunlight, or even just standing by a window. This can help ease symptoms for a bit. Also, light therapy will help if you aren’t able to get much sunlight. Psychotherapy can also help SAD. It identifies negative thoughts and replaces them with more positive thoughts along with a technique called behavioral activation. And lastly, antidepressants. This is a type of prescription medicine that can help you feel happier.
How Do You Know If It’s SAD or The Winter Blues?
SAD is a major depression with seasonal patterns, which is the official diagnosis – it’s more serious than just the winter blues. When you get the winter blues you feel sad and less motivated, but you are still able to function normally. Unlike SAD, which makes you feel those symptoms 10 times worse and can’t function normally. You don’t need medication for the winter blues because it’s not an actual diagnosis, it is truly just an awful feeling.
How Long Does Can SAD Last?
SAD symptoms normally start in the late fall or early winter. Then they normally go away during the spring, when the sun starts to get closer to the earth. The more Vitamin D your body takes in, the happier and more energized you will feel.
During the winter make sure you are outside when its sunny, if it’s not too cold. Get some vitamin D to lessen your winter depression. Also, remember it only lasts for a good 5 months, it’s only a phase, it will pass. Just give it time and breathe.