The excitement starts
A week before
A pounding in my heart
To the break I long for
The last Friday rolls around
A farewell to our friends
The anticipation much renowned
For the warmth of our beds
The first step in your home
Knowing school has subsided
Back in my comfort zone
Calm and quiet inside it
Staying up until ungodly hours
Sleeping in late
Many snacks to devour
Calm days to premeditate
Shopping for gifts
Putting in a lot of thought
Everyone’s spirit lifts
For the love we were all taught
Admiring the glistening lights
That lie upon the Christmas tree
Bringing light to the twilight
As the darkness begins to flee
When I wake up that morning
And rub the sleep from my eyes
I receive the gift of giving
A feeling that I recognize
Family comes and visits
The house no longer empty
The mood begins to pivot
All the food tempts me
We’re thankful for this break
So we can see family
I speak for everyone’s sake
That happiness is a guarantee
Christmas is in the past
The thought of school is daunting
I hope I will last
This feeling is exhausting
As this break ends
And we must leave
My only wish is to extend
This calm, relaxing reprieve