The lives of philosophers from the past are studied to the absolute maximum. The way their minds worked and their whole ideologies are configured into textbooks for all to read. People spend their entire lives figuring out how these great minds thought: Aristotle, Rousseau, Nietzsche, Marx, and so on. Why don’t we analyze our own lives like this?
It is a hidden but actual fact that everybody lives a life full of cynicism. No matter how much people disagree with this fact, people do things to feel good or because they find a benefit from it. Even if you consciously help somebody for their own good, it feels good to help them subconsciously. Actions every day are made without thought; where is the self-introspection? If we are motivated by self-interest, people need to understand why they do what they do and what they live for, just like how we know this information about philosophers.
From a young age, we are nurtured to develop specific morals and our own rules. This is what determines who we talk to, our passions, and what we say. Many people live their lives continuously going against these morals without even realizing it. Why? Well, there is a prevalence of self unawareness.
In many situations, our emotions take over and fuel our brains with uncertainty, where knowing what is right isn’t possible. Acting in a moment such as this causes regret that we reflect on. But what is right? And who is to decide what is right?
Living in a world where certain ideologies are illegal or frowned upon molds us into a particular type of person. What is right, is what we are shown by the people ‘above’ us. There is an everlasting cycle of what we need to be, not who we want to be.
“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom” – Aristotle
Each mind brings a new perspective into the world, which is needed to elevate society. Being aware of one’s thoughts and feelings is extremely important, but to get to that level of understanding, you need to understand why. Looking beyond the surface level and locating the fundamentals of your thinking is crucial. The ideas in each mind could be equally important to the ones that every person follows every day. The important thing is, is that they are your own.