Freshman students at Oakmont, have just experienced their first semester change in late January. Unlike most high schools, and middle schools in the country, Oakmont runs a 4×4 block schedule, which offers four blocks, and also has a college-style January semester switch.
There are many students who find that only having four classes to handle makes for an easier evening, with sports and extracurriculars.
Freshman, Rylan Fesperman says, “I prefer the four classes a day schedule because 4 is less stressful than 7 or 8, especially for people who are in afterschool activities.”
Students are expected to do quite a few things in a day, and sometimes it’s hard to balance them all! They are told to get 8+ hours of sleep, on top of spending time on homework, extra-curriculars, sports, as well as any household tasks they are expected to do. So, compared to a traditional 7 period a day model, most students feel appreciative.
Since Oakmont has just 4 classes a day, the periods run for an 83 minute duration. Some students feel that is just too long.
Freshman Kaelyn Laurend says, “It has its perks but the class time is dreadful.”
While freshman Robin Brusa feels differently. She says, “I feel like having 4 classes makes the day go faster.”
Freshman Science teacher Mrs Bennitt feels like her students “…adjusted well to the semester change. Other than a few people switching in and out of the elective classes, things seemed to go smoothly.”
However, as far as class time goes, she feels “for science, it’s helpful having the longer blocks. …On the flip side, it’s hard to cram in so much information as the brain can only absorb so much.”
According to CNLD Testing and Therapy, students ranging from the ages of 13-15 have an attention span for around 30-40 minutes. This can help conclude just why many students might have trouble keeping focus throughout class.
Out of 50 Oakmont freshmen polled randomly, 20% responded that they are ‘‘somewhat’’ learning in class. Interestingly, only 8% said they are not learning, and 72% feel they are learning in class.
As for the enjoyment level, 52% said they are enjoying their classes and 40% said they are not. And 8% said they are somewhat enjoying their classes.
But to take a look at the big picture, The Block seems to be appreciated: 72% responded they favor the 4×4 block schedule, while 38% disagreed.
Freshman Connor Cemptto may have said it best, saying the 4×4 block schedule “makes the day feel faster, especially with good classes.”