Opinion: What has Covid-19 really taught us?

Dani Lewis

Dani Lewis’s father, an electrician, and their friend Sean lift a double-oven while adhering to pandemic safety measures.

With the worldly pandemic a daily concern in every human’s life, we’re bound to learn a few things.  Tons of new pieces of information have slammed into our realities, from what flattening the curve means to how to properly wash your hands. 

However, there’s a bigger picture that we have to keep in mind- what this has taught us about humanity as a whole.

First of all, it has become apparent that situations such as these can reveal the best or the worst in us.  To give an example of the latter – the violence surrounding accusations of brutality taking place during the month of May, and even now.  On the other hand, we’ve shown our best selves during this pandemic by donating to those in need, taking measures for everyone’s safety, and running errands for the elderly. 

While sometimes it can be hard to see, it’s also inevitably come to light that we are all the same – in one way or another.  Mutual hardship always leads to unity, and Covid-19 is no exception to this principle.

We all suffer.  We can all help each other.  We can all learn.

Which brings me to my next point: Covid-19 has taught us that even the most mundane of tasks, like shaking somebody’s hand, are not permanent.  As a result, we have learned to appreciate the simple things in life.

Even the most mundane of tasks are gifts.

Hugging someone, sleeping over your friend’s house, eating dinner at Chili’s – these privileges have been ripped from our lives, leaving us to reflect on how normal these things once were.

It’s important to play, laugh, and discuss with one another.  These natural events have left our lives for the time being, but my question is: were they ever really there? 

By paying attention to our phones instead of inferring from the people around us, we deprive ourselves of the most essential things. My hope is that once this virus passes us by, we’ll begin to truly look and listen to the wonders of our own little worlds and stop focusing on the planet’s every good or bad happening.

This is essential for a healthy mental state.  An article from Dixie Sun News, called “Opinion: Technology makes us feel more alone”, says, “Technology makes us feel more alone because we are more dependent on social media connections than real life connections.” The author, Lilliana Rogers, continues to write, “…it can cause depression, anxiety and even drug-like withdrawal symptoms from your phone.”

The coronavirus has only helped this phenomenon worsen. With no one to talk to but family, most people are using social media as a means of social stimulation; thus, damaging their mental well-being.

Fortunately, it is possible for us to reverse this effect, but only if we take to heart what Covid-19 has told us, and finally begin to engage with others with our full, sincere devotion. 

Covid-19 may seem like Hell in the present, but positive circumstances can always come from bad ones.  I am confident that we, as a species, will learn from this experience.

I am confident that we, as a species, will come back even stronger.