The Oakmont Explorer

The Oakmont Explorer

Created by the Student Engagement Outreach Committee (SEO), the Oakmont Explorer is an online resource that allows students within Oakmont to view all extracurricular activities and get more involved. The Oakmont Explorer advertises clubs, sports, music and arts, leadership, honor societies, and internships. This is done through two online platforms: an Instagram page and a website.

Instagram: The Instagram username is @oakmontexplorer. Posts are color-coordinated to the type of extracurricular and contain a brief explanation of each activity offered at Oakmont. In each post, the Instagram of the activity offered (if there is one) is tagged. The story feature of Instagram will be used, displaying current events and fundraisers that are occurring in the school. Extracurriculars will now have a new, universal platform to get the word out about bake sales, fundraisers, elections, etc. 

Website: The website is called The Oakmont Explorer Page. Compared to the Explorer Instagram, the website goes more in-depth in explaining all of the activities and what a membership in each would entail. There are pictures within the site and emails attached of advisors/coaches you can contact for more information. Most activities’ meetings/seasons are included and videos of past performances are attached for activities in the music section. The website also contains a contact page where you can reach out about problems regarding the Explorer, give feedback, and advertise new clubs/events. Both platforms are able to advertise current events, with the site providing advertisement banners.

Shop: The Oakmont Explorer Shop is a featured tab on the website. The shop will sell packs of stickers designed for each club, sport, leadership, internship, honor society, music programs, and other extracurricular activities. The stickers are great quality, waterproof, and customizable (color and design). Stickers are priced at 10 for $5 and 20 for $10, etc. 


Contact The Explorer: 

For problems within the website, contact: [email protected] 

For problems within the Instagram, contact: [email protected] 

For information and advertisement, contact: [email protected] 

For questions about the shop, contact: [email protected]