Deadalus and Icarus
Icarus Daedalus
Speeding through the air Flowing peacefully in the breeze
A wide grin spread across his cheeks Wise wrinkles scattered in his eyes
Feathered wings spread wide Feathered wings carefully maneuvered
Carefree Careful
Pushing the limits Knows when to stop
Higher and higher He stays in the same spot
A man who has flight will never fall Every man can fall if they go to high
Hotter and hotter Stays the same temperature
Eyes scan the skys rim Watches the beautiful scenery below
The sight that only gods were allowed The sight of a bird
The unforgiving sun The protective clouds
Wax trickles down his spine Wax stays cool in its place
Scorching his skin Arms float free
Screaming as he falls Speeding to catch his son
Light feathers detach from his back Ocean water sprays his face
Plunging to fast Not quick enough
Submerged Heartbroken
Ice cold Steaming tears trickle down
Men who can fly can also fall Men were not made to fly