Summer Bucket List

Go to the ocean
Have you really had summer vacation if you didn’t visit the beach? Make it a day trip and bring snacks!
Star Gaze
The classic summer activity: Stargazing. On a warm night where it’s not cloudy go outside and look at the stars. Even invite a friend. Try to find the constellations. Here are some astronomical events happening this summer.
–anual solar eclipse 6/10/21
-Super moon 6/24/21
-Meteor shower 7/28/21
-blue moon 8/22/21
Have a Bonfire
Make a bonfire, eat smores, tell campfire stories, blast music.
Have a Picnic
Dress up nice, bring grapes, cheese, cake, strawberries and juice.
Go Thrifting
Save $$ and spend it on food
Go out in the rain
When it’s pouring rain, DON’T STAY INSIDE! Go outside, run in the rain. Have a dance party, wear your PJs. Or even just lay in your driveway and listen to the rain.
Go to a fast-food restaurant in the middle of the night
Ice cream at 12am? I think yes.
Watch the sunrise/sunset
One of my favorite traditions to do in the summer is wake up and see the sunrise at the top of Wachusett mountain. If you’re not capable of waking up early in summer, go see the sunset. Another one of my favorites activities is seeing the sunset at the ocean
Dress up to a casual place
Put on that fancy dress or suit and visit your local McDonalds. Even though it might feel weird, it will be your favorite memory.
Movie night or Drive-in Movie theater
Having no homework means movie marathons. The new way to see a movie during covid: drive-in movie theaters.
Have a sleepover, pull an all-nighter or sleep on Facetime
Spend. Time. With. Your. Friends. Another classic summer event, get sleep-deprived. Or even better, have a sleepover in a tent outside.
Bake something
Learn a new recipe and make something aesthetic. Maybe a S’mores bowl?
Face the wrong way in an elevator and walk out backward
Do one funny thing that makes someone’s day.
Help Your community
The ultimate wrap-up to your summer is making a difference.
Clean out your closet and donate your old clothes. (Then you can go thrift shopping and buy more 😉
-Donate food to the food pantry
-Paint rocks with notes and leave them in random places
-Put flowers on graves that don’t have any
Don’t sit on your couch scrolling on your phone, watching tv or playing Xbox all day. Have fun! It’s called summer vacation for a reason.

Ani Seppelin is currently a sophomore at Oakmont Regional High School. She loves being active in sports and inside the community. Letting her voice be...