Happiness Cries
Happiness Cries
By: Mackenzie Whitney
They say that happiness will find you now
They say that you are done hurting
You must’ve been in a place so dark, you couldn’t feel the light
I often wonder why?
Why you had to go away from me
Was there anything I could have said or done
I keep you in my memories,
We still wear your bracelet
And people still ask about it
I cried when you left us,
I still cry today
Although I loved you dearly
I couldn’t make you stay.
I wonder what you’re doing in heaven right now
Are you fishing? Are you flying?
How much greener is the grass?
Every time I think of you
my heart still fills with pride
God I wish somehow you could be here
you know that if I have just one wish it’d be that you didn’t have to miss this