A World of Perfect

A World of Perfect
Erin Boc
Trees’ leaves gleaming with ease
The luscious bush swaying along the rhythm of a hush
Here, there’s no cry of a woman
No outrage of a man
No shout of a child
Just perfection in the wild
The moose roams home
With her young walking low below her
They sway along the river
Croak- croak – croak
Of the frogs within
Twidlee – twidlee- twee
Of the birds beyond
And the silence…
Of the humans that aren’t here
Who are not present to encroach the circle of life
Who can not murder the future of the pure
Who will never burn our world with their guiltless steamships
Worthless money
And unbreathable death breath
What are humans?
How can you even question things that don’t exist?
But Here,
Nightingales nod with every nimble need
Packs of wolves hunt the runts of their prey
A mother deer has one less mouth to feed
But this perfect world keeps spinning everyday