Who Is Running For President in 2024?
Who is running for President in 2024?
With the 2024 election coming up, some people are getting curious about who will be running for president. Currently, there are only three big candidates running for the Republican Party. The most popular candidate as of now is one you may recognize from the last two elections: Donald Trump. Former President Trump will probably win the popular vote for the Republican side as he still has a strong fan base in this country and is very popular. He announced his presidential campaign on November 15, 2022.
The second Republican candidate is Nikki Haley. She announced her campaign on February 14, 2023. Nikki Haley was a former governor of South Carolina and a former ambassador to the U.N. She was also a part of the Trump administration during his presidency, which may win her some favor. On the downside, she is not very well known nationally, and some of her plans may be controversial.
Lastly, we have Vivek Ramaswamy, who announced himself on February 21, 2023. An article by NPR describes him as “a fresh, young, diverse face for most Americans.” He is a very conservative person, which may win him some help from the “white-collar Republicans” who are looking for an alternative version of Trump. While he is a promising candidate for the Republican side, he is very young and not very well known.
Another man named Perry Johnson has also announced his candidacy for president, but he has no experience in elected office and is not expected to make it very far.
There are a couple of other Republicans who have yet to announce their plans to compete in the presidential election but are expected to. Foremost among them is the Florida governor, Ron DeSantis. The article from NPR describes him as “Trump without the baggage.” He is a big name and very popular among the conservative house, but some have claimed him to be an extremist.
Besides President Biden, only 1 Democrat has announced their campaign so far, and that is Marianne Williamson. She is very focused on being progressive and is fairly liberal, but she will have a hard time beating President Biden as he still holds the majority of the Democrats in this country’s favor.
This next election is sure to be messy, so it’s important to stay informed so you can make the best choice when it’s time to vote.

Cameron Scerbo is part of the Oakmont class of 2026. This is his third year being part of The Oakmonitor. Not only is he a part of The Oakmonitor, but...