Which one wins? Waffles vs. Pancakes
When you dream of a perfect American breakfast what do you dream? Very scrambled eggs, nice crisp bacon on a golden platter. Yes, this is a start but wait there’s something missing, something that can tie the whole breakfast together.
Waffles wait or maybe pancakes? This question has been debated since the beginning of time. But first, what are waffles and pancakes?
According to an article on https://www.chicagowaffles.com, It states that waffles have been here for many years predating the time of ancient Greece all the way to the stone age about four thousand years ago. Though we don’t know exactly know how the people of the stone age. The ancient Greeks were able to keep their recipe of their which where called Obelios.
The Obelios were made like a flat cake in which they would either bake or fry the batter of the Obelios that is smashed together between two metal plates. The ingredients consist of : flour, milk or water, and sometimes eggs.
Soon this beautiful concoction got a new name called the Gaufre from the French and soon it was named waffle by the English in the 18th century. Though these waffles weren’t as pretty and delicious as we have now these were the foundation of how this sweet goody was made.
But the story of the pancakes is a little different. According to an article on https://www.kateskitchenkc.com The first ever pancakes were found in the stomach of Ötzi the Iceman over five thousand years ago! It was also found in ancient Greece, the ancient Greeks called it a Teganitai and their recipe had way more than the Obelios. They were made with wheat flour, olive oil, honey, and curdled milk.
Though it has one more ingredient that was a significant difference compared to the Obelios. Yes, this Teganitai is different than the pancakes we have today but was a big hit in ancient Greece. Such a big hit it was even made in the 15th century during the English Renaissance when it officially got the name pancakes from the English
Which one is better?
Freshman Landon Matewsky had a lot to say about the waffle. “Waffles bring joy to the heart you have a perfect balance of crispness and softness like clouds.” He is right when it comes to the waffle it has a crispy exterior while keeping its soft interior. Which allows you to enjoy a little of both worlds.
But Avery Williams has a stronger opinion when it comes to pancakes. “Pancakes feel like you are eating a pillow and pancakes are sweeter than waffles and taste. She has a point to an extent. The pancake structure does make it easier when it comes to putting extra toppings in it like; chocolate chips, strawberries, and bananas.”
So, when it comes to the flat cake-like treat with syrup flowing off it like a waterfall, or the fluffy cake in a grid-like structure that keeps syrup inside little individual boxes holding everything inside like a chest of gold. The waffle wins for sure.
Though waffles and pancakes are so similar there are things the pancakes can’t do The waffle is more versatile and doesn’t only need to be a dessert it can also be lunch with chicken fingers or even as a sandwich. So when it comes to who reigns supreme in the battle
Waffles also have little syrup cups that allow you to have the perfect bite with just enough syrup and allow all the syrup to stay in the waffle. When it comes to this fight waffles blows pancakes out of the water.

Brian Sandjong is a Junior who is a part of class 2026 at Oakmont Regional High School and is a reporter for The Brian Sandjong is a Junior who is a part...
Jayden Brostrom • Nov 1, 2024 at 10:55 am
Pancakes all the way