The personal battle: Homemade VS Store-bought
The personal battle: Homemade VS Store-bought
By Sophie Newell
Everyone loves the feeling of biting into a delicious chocolate chip cookie, smelling a freshly baked pie, or cutting themselves a piece of their birthday cake.
But do you ever stop to think about where your food came from? If it was homemade with love and heart, or if someone picked it up off the shelf and put it in a tupper ware container for show.
Seniors at Oakmont Regional High School: Ally Green, Dylan Guile, and Cory Roy all agreed that homemade food was better than store-bought. Ally Green went on to say, “I think homemade food is better, there is something about it that is warmer and from the heart.”
Although I do see where my peers are coming from, I feel that if a dessert is good then it’s good. I don’t think whether or not someone I know made it for me -although I do appreciate the effort- I just pay attention to the sole fact of whether or not it tastes good.
However, I do believe that food tastes better after YOU worked really hard on it because then only you know how much effort it took to make it. If you had me taste two different cakes, one that you spent four hours making, and one that a machine made in the local supermarket I honestly would not be able to tell you the difference.
I think that is the case because I can’t taste the effort that you put into it, and it all just tastes the same to me. A chocolate chip cookie is a chocolate chip cookie no matter where it came from, unless I made it.
A beloved teacher at Oakmont Regional High Schoo,l Mr. Dewhurst has a different opinion, saying that “I think with desserts homemade is better if it’s a good baker. Like my mom, she is the best baker I know, but if you’re not a good baker just go to the store.”
This opinion I completely agree with this, imagine you go to a party and see a beautiful stack of cookies, and then walk over to them to grab one and then you take a bite and then you realize… it’s just a bad cookie.
In agreement with Mr. Dewhurst, I also believe that if you’re not a good baker then you should leave it to the store and refrain from giving people a false hope of a delicious dessert.
If I am asked to bring something to a party I always go with my classic, normal, and yummy chocolate chip cookies. Mostly because I know that I make good ones on the response of my peers and the empty tupper ware container I’m left with after the party.
Although if someone asked me to bring a birthday cake I would run straight to my nearest Market Basket to buy a cake that people will actually enjoy, and not feel like they have to pretend to like they enjoy it out of pity.
I will always love a good dessert, whether it is homemade or bought at the store as long as it tastes good I am happy.

Sophie Newell is a part of the Class of 2026 at Oakmont Regional High School, this is her third year as a member of The Oakmonitor. She is a member of...