Finals generate many different opinions from people. For example, some people have papers to write or quizzes to take. No matter what you may have to do, everyone has a different take on finals, and because of this, we’ve decided to survey Oakmont students on finals.
After surveying most of the students from 1 to 10 on how stressed they feel about finals, we concluded that about 21/56 students feel stressed but not stressed enough to go into panic mode. Meaning that from a scale of 1 to 10, most students felt about a 7 on the final stress scale.

The reason why most people feel stressed is because finals add stress that students don’t want, but they don’t feel too stressed because most students don’t have finals in every single class due to electives. Some students feel as though it would be better to do a project for finals.
According to Oakmont junior Caroline Corso, “Some are necessary, but it feels like projects are a good option and they should not be weighed more than a normal test or project grade.”
But, it’s not just students who have an opinion about finals, teachers have their opinions too. According to Dr. Stassen, “Yes, a cumulative final is necessary because it gives you a chance to put everything together… it is also a good way to show off your learning.”
Other students feel as though you shouldn’t have to take finals if you’re already passing the class. Ellarie Healey Oakmont freshmen said.”I feel that if you are already passing the class then you shouldn’t have to take a final test. Especially when a lot of people aren’t good with testing.”
All in all, finals make most students feel stressed about passing, but not really stressed because some students feel that they can pass the finals as long as they study.