The world from a unique name


Mandarin spelling of Caoileen, a gift given to her by her grandparents when they traveled to China.

Having a unique name is like a blessing and a curse. You do love your name but it comes with struggles that people with basic names will never understand. The first thing you usually hear is “How do you pronounce your name?” or if you’re lucky “Wow! I love your name.” 

Ordering takeout feels like you’re going undercover, giving an alias name. The people working at Starbucks never know how to spell my name or they can’t understand what I’m saying. So, giving a different name than mine  just makes everything ten times easier. I usually give the name Sarah or Caily when I’m ordering. My cousin Yani said, “I usually don’t give a name or I’ll just make one up on the spot.” Other people with unique names have told me they tend to give a name different than theirs when ordering. 

Don’t even bother looking for mugs, keychains or bracelets with your name on it. Anywhere I’ve been, whether it’s Boston or a foreign country I’ve never been able to find anything with my name on it, or even close to it. Every time I’m in a gift shop I’ll look to make sure that maybe just maybe my name is on something. But, unfortunately I know it never will be. Having a name like Micheal, Liam, Amber, or Jess is almost guaranteed to get you a spot on the front of a mug. 

Unique names can be super interesting but some are just strange. According to Kathleen Young, these are the top 10 least popular baby names of 2019…

  1. Shy
  2. Khaleesi
  3. Chardonnay
  4. Vegas
  5. Pansy
  6. Stylez
  7. Kingmessiah
  8. Yugo
  9. Cyncere
  10. Blykelee

Personally, I have never met anyone with these names so they must be pretty unique! The good thing about having a unique name is that you’re not alone. Countless celebrities and their children have special names. The world famous singer/songwriter, Nicki Minaj wasn’t always referred to as Nicki. Her birth name is Onika Tanya Maraj, I’m guessing you didn’t know how to pronounce that! Another famous artist that changed their name is Rapper, Cardi B. Cardi’s real name is Belcalis Marlenis Almánzar. When asked why she does not use her real name Cardi said candidly, “No one calls me Belcalis except  for my family, my mother and my daddy.” 

Unique names also tend to come with religious or cultural backgrounds. The name Abigail is a Hebrew name meaning “My father’s joy,” and the name Ada has Hebrew and German origins with the meaning, “Noble, happy and adorned.” Chloe is a Greek name meaning “New growth.” There are so many beautiful cultural names with interesting backgrounds out there. Here are some Biblical names and their meanings..


  1. Abaddon- “The Destroyer”
  2. Abagtha- “Fortunate One”
  3.  Ezra-”My Helper”
  4. Gideon- “He that bruises” or “Great Warrior”
  5. Haziel- Vision of God”


With so many names to choose from I don’t understand why parents tend to go with basic and common names. Your child is special to you so you should give them a name fitting. Yes, your kid won’t be able to put their name on a Starbucks cup or find a keychain in gift shops but that’s a small price to pay for an amazing experience. Having a unique name is a conversation starter, you would be so surprised how many people have wanted to talk to me about my name and how my parents decided on it.  

Whether it’s for cultural reasons, religious reasons or just interest you should love your unique name! When I was a kid I never really appreciated mine but now I love it. Does the question, How do you pronounce your name, get old?  Yes!  But I would not change my name for the world.