Column: Losing your favorite ‘comfort’ series – Psych
By Mikaela Groncki
When I see my favorite show, all I can think of is the sadness of not watching it for the first time ever again!
My all time favorite show is Psych. In the show, the detective decides to open a psychic detective agency and solve crime with his best friend Gus. Then Shawn and Gus solve mysteries for the police with the help of Shawn’s dad, Henry, pineapples, and his so-called psychic abilities. When I watch this comedy series, all my worries just disappear.
As I round the corner all I can see is the home stretch of the last season. I thought this was going to be so exciting watching the last episodes of the show; however, I was wrong. Three episodes left, then two, now one . . . DONE. Once I’m done obsessing over how good the show was, I feel an empty pit in my stomach.
Now I’m all curled up – in a blanket – on the couch. With the sound of the song that plays during the end credits washing a sad lonely feeling over me. To get my mind off of the pain, I scroll down to see the “more like this” tab. I look at the TV and see the words written on the screen, Psych the Movie.
I jumped up to tell my sister the great news! She thinks I’m crazy, but I really am invested in this show. Running to the kitchen I almost trip and fall on my face. I need popcorn to watch the movie that will become my new FAVORITE.
One hour and twenty-eight minutes pass by. The sad and lonely feeling consumes me into the deep and dusty cave of despair. The movie ended and I will never be able to watch it for the first time ever again.
In the middle of the pandemic, as I watch a movie with my sister, I suddenly see an ad pop up . . . Psych the Movie TWO. Letting out a large gasp I sprinted to my room and saved the date, July 15th, on my calendar.
The date came and left so quickly. Having the joy of watching my favorite series was amazing and then with a blink of an eye it ended. After a while I started to rewatch the show thinking it would spark the excitement I felt when watching the show for the first time. I was wrong.
After a while, I would just resort back to rewatching my favorite episodes. Telling my best friend to watch the show was the best thing I had ever thought of. I could then live vicariously through her excitement while watching the show. It was the closest thing I could get to watching for the first time.
While at her house watching the movies – again – we discovered that a psych three had just come out. We got so excited and watched it right away. Based on the ending of the movie, you could tell that was the end.
We laid on the couch while hopelessly scrolling through the TV, trying to find something that we were in the mood to watch. I never had the problem of knowing it was the end. We continued to search until minutes flew by – 10 . . . 20 . . . 30. . . We gave up and finally decided to just eat some pineapple.
Although the juicy pineapple was nice, it was not like watching my favorite show for the first time. I will never forget the feeling of finding something I loved to do on a rainy day and the feeling of the end.
If you liked this article, for another opinon by Reagan Bouchard on the show New Girl check out this link:

Mikaela Groncki is a part of the Class of 2026 at Oakmont Regional High School. This is her third year being a part of The Oakmonitor. She is a part of...